Como sabem, e após os Jogos Olímpicos, o Tibete foi literalmente selado do exterior e com tristeza vimos desaparecer muitas das anteriores fontes de informação disponíveis.
Uma conhecida dinamarquesa visitou o Tibete em meados de Outubro e enviou-nos o seguinte relato:
"Soldiers in green camouflage uniforms are posted throughout the centre of Lhasa and small groups of them frequently patrol the streets armed with submachine guns.
Patrols go around Barkor anti-clockwise, i.e. against the flow of pilgrimsdoing korras around the Jokhang temple. These soldiers are typically armed with submachine guns.
There are armed soldiers posted on every intersection in the Tibetan part of Lhasa, including entrances to major alleyways. Temples and monasteries are also guarded by soldiers.
Armed soldiers are also posted on strategically located rooftops throughout
the Tibetan part of Lhasa, watching the flow of pedestrians below.
From Lhasa to the Nepal border there are checkpoints in all passes.
X was told by X guide that the open-air philosophy debates in Sera havebeen banned".
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